Short Biography

Prof. Neuman is a Full Professor and Researcher at the Federal University of Ceara, Computer Science Department, and holds a PhD degree at Pierre and Marie Curie University (PARIS VI/MASI Laboratory), France, since 1994. He has spent a year (2008-2009) at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing - LNCC (Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), developing Senior Pos-Doctorate activities. He worked in the European projects PEMMON (ESPRIT programme), ADVANCE (RACE I programme) and ICM (RACE II programme), as a technical and administrative member and his contribution was related to the heterogeneous network management environment with emphasis on the TMN (Telecommunication Management Network) systems. He worked closely as well with the UCL (University College of London) network management group on the design/development of the SNMPv1 to CMIP Q-Adapter using the OSIMIS (OSI Management Information Service) platform to validate the ICM testbed. This work has been mentioned in the OMNIPoint 2 Solution & Component Sets documents from the Network Management Forum (NMF). His group at the PRISM laboratory (ex-MASI Laboratory of Versailles, France) participated actively on the design and development of the TMN testbeds produced by the PEMMON and ADVANCE projects, based on the ANSAware system. He was general chair for the IEEE ICT (2004) and MMNS (2000) conferences. From 1999 to 2005 He was a board member (Directory) of the Computer Networks National Laboratory (LARC). He has been a First Class Invited Professor at : UMR CNRS 8144 PRISM-Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, France (2001); UMR CNRS 7030 LIPN-Universite de Paris 13, France (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009); IMAGINE Lab-University of Ottawa, ON, Canada (2007); IBISC Lab-Universite d'Evry Val d'Essonne, Evry, France (2011). He has been as well a CNRS invited researcher at LABRI laboratory - Bordeaux 1 University, France (2010). Since 1999 He has been the brazilian representative at the IFIP TC6 (communication systems).