Prof. Francisco Heron de Carvalho Junior
Lattes CV (CNPq)

Universidade Federal do Ceará

Departamento de Computação
Campus Universitário do Pici, s/n
Bloco 910 – CEP:  60440-900
Fortaleza-CE   Brazil
Tel.: +55 85 3366-9841 (209)
Fax.: +55 85 3366-9837
e-mail: heron at lia ufc br


Publications and Research Interests

We are working on component models for distributed-memory parallel programming, aimed at high performance computing (HPC) applications. Component-Based High Performance Computing (CBHPC)  has been emerged to deal with large scale and complexity of emerging applications in HPC. In such context, we have proposed the Hash component model, a concern-oriented approach to build parallel programs by overlapping composition of #-components. We are also interested any aspect about  parallel programming, including their languages and tools, covering theory, design, and implementation. Our favorite formalisms are Category Theory, Petri Nets and CSP.
Our research is funded by CNPq (National Council for the Scientific and Technological Development), the main research funding agency of Brazil, under grants 475826/2006-0 (2006-2008), 480307/2009-1 (2009-2011) and 486021/2011-4 (2012- …)

See our publications and research interests at ResearchGate,, Google Scholar and LinkedIn

HPE Project - The High Performance Environment of Components

NAS Parallel Behcmarks on HPE


Important Links

Mestrado e Doutorado em Ciência da Computação (MDCC/UFC)

Research Group on Parallelism, Graphs and Optimization (PARGO)


Academic Background

Doutor em Ciência da Computação
Centro de Informática / Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Advisor: Prof. Rafael Dueire Lins, PhD.
Thesis: "Programação Paralela Eficiente e de Alto Nível sobre Arquiteturas Distribuídas"
December, 9th, 2003

Mestre em Ciência da Computação
Centro de Informática / Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Advisor: Prof. Rafael Dueire Lins, PhD
Dissertation: "Haskell#, Uma Extensão Paralela para Haskell"
January, 28, 2000

Bacharel em Computação
de Computação / Universidade Federal do Ceará
Dezembro de 1997


Research Areas of Interest


·         Applications of High Performance Computing;

·         Parallel Programming :

o        techniques, tools and languages;

o        theory, design, implementation; and performance evaluation;

·         Formal Methods for Parallel Programming;

·         Coordination Models and Languages;

·         Cluster Computing;

·         Grid Computing;

·         Cloud Computing (for HPC);

·         Functional Programming.